ANO DE 2017


Cabral, A.S., Lessa, M.M., Junger, P.C., Thompson, F.L., Paranhos, R., 2017.

Virioplankton dynamics are related to eutrophication levels in a tropical urbanized bay

PLoS ONE 12(3): e0174653.


La Ferla, R., Azzaro, M., Michaud, L., Caruso, G., Lo Giudice, A., Paranhos, R., Cabral, A.S., Conte, A., Cosenza, A., Maimone, G., Papale, M., Rappazzo, A.C. & Guglielmin, M. 2017.

Prokaryotic Abundance and Activity
in Permafrost of the Northern Victoria Land and Upper Victoria Valley (Antarctica).

Microbial Ecology 74(2):402-415.


Junger, P.C., Amado, A.M., Paranhos, R., Cabral, A.S., Jacques, S.M.S. & Farjalla, V.F., 2017.

Salinity drives the virioplankton abundance but not production in tropical coastal loagoons.

Microbial Ecology (in press).

ANO DE 2016


Lazzari, L., Wagener, A.L.R., Farias, C.O., Baêta, A.P., Mauad, C.R., Fernandes, A.M., Paranhos, R. & Carreira, R.S., 2016.

Estuary Adjacent to a Megalopolis as Potential Disrupter of Carbon and Nutrient Budgets in the Coastal Ocean.

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 27(10):1750-1765.


Silva Jr, D.R., Paranhos, R, & Vianna, M., 2016.

Spatial patterns of distribution and the influence of seasonal and abiotic factors on demersal icthyofauna in an estuarine tropical bay.

Journal of Fish Biology 89:821-846. Doi 10.1111/jfb.13033.


Lopes, F.A.C., Catão, E.C.P., Santana, R.H., Cabral, A.S., Paranhos, R., Rangel, T.P., Rezende, C.E., Edwards, R.A., Thompson, C.C., Thompson, F.L. & Kruger, R.H., 2016.

Microbial community profile and water quality in a protected area of the Caating biome.

Plos One 11(2):e0148296. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148296


Oliveira, E.N., Fernandes, A.M., Kampel, M., Cordeiro, R.C., Brandini, N., Vinzon, S.B., Grassi, R.M., Pinto, F.N., Fillipo, A.M. & Paranhos, R. 2016.

Assessment of Remotely-Sensed Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Guanabara Bay, Brazil.

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 10(2):026003. doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.10.026003.


Moura, R.L., Amado-Filho, G., Moraes, F.C., Brasileiro, P.S., Salomon, P.S., Mahiques, M.M., Bastos, A.C., Almeida, M.G., Silva Jr., J.M., Araujo, B.F., Brito, F.P., Rangel, T.P., Oliveira, B.C.V., Bahia, R.G., Paranhos, R., Dias, R.J.S., Siegle, E., Figueiredo Jr., A.G., Pereira, R.C., Leal, C.V., Hajdu, E., Asp, N.E., Gregoracci, G.B., Neumann-Leitão, S., Yager, P.L., Francini Filho, R.B., Fróes, A., Campeão, M., Silva, B.S., Moreira, A.P.B., Oliveira, L., Soares, A.C., Araujo, L., Oliveira, N.L., Teixeira, J.B., Valle, R.A.B., Thompson, C.C., Rezende, C.E, & Thompson, F.L., 2016.

An extensive reef system at the Amazon River mouth.

Science Advances 2:e1501252. Doi 10.1126/sciadv.1501252.

ANO DE 2015


Zalmon, I.R., Rezende, C.E., Veloso, V.G., Sallorenzo, I., Paranhos, R., Falcão, A.P. & Almeida, T.C.M., 2015.

Influence of estuarine dynamics on macrobenthos spatial variability along the southeast continental shelf of Brazil.

Scientia Marina, 79(3):379-391. DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04196.18A.


Coutinho, F.H., Meirelles, P.M., Moreira, A.P.B., Paranhos, R., Dutilh, B.E. & Thompson, F.L., 2015.

Niche distribution and influence of environmental parameters in marine microbial communities: a systematic review.

Peer J 3: e1008. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1008.


Alves Jr, N., Meirelles, P.M., Santos, E.O.S., Dutilh, B., Silva, G.G.Z., Paranhos, R., Cabral. A.S., Rezende, C.E., Iida, T., Moura, R.L., Kruger, R.H., Pereira, R.C., Valle, R., Sawabe, T., Thompson, C.C. & Thompson, F.L., 2015.

Microbial Community diversity and physical-chemical features of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean.

Arch. Microbiol.197(2):165-179. DOI: 10.1007/S00203-014-1035-6


Meirelles, P.M., Guilherme, G.A., Pereira-Filho, G.H., Pinheiro, H.T., de Moura, R.L., Edwards, R.A., Dinsdale, E., Paranhos, R., Santos, E.O., Lida, T., Gotoh, K., Nakamura, S., Sawabe, T., Rezende, C.E., Gadelha Jr, L.M.R., Francini-Filho, R.B., Thompson, C., Thompson, F.L, 2015.

Baseline assessment of mesophotic reefs of the Vitória-Trindade seamount chain based on water quality, microbial diversity, benthic cover and fish biomass data.

Plos One 10(6): e0130084. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0130084.


Dias, C.O., Araujo, A.V., Vianna, S.C., Fernandes, L.F.L., Paranhos, R., Suzuki, M.S. & Boncker, S.L.C., 2015.

Spatial and temporal changes in biomass, production and assemblage structure of mesozooplanktonic copepods in the tropical south-west Atlantic Ocean.

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdon. DOI:10.1017/S0025315414001866


Meirelles, P.M.; Gadelha, L.M.R.; Francini, R.B.; Moura, R.L.; Amado, G.M.; Bastos, A.C.; Paranhos, R.; Rezende, C.E.; Swings, J.; Siegle, E.; Asp, N.E.; Leitão, S.N.; Coutinho, R.; Mattoso, M.; Salomon, P.S.; Valle, R.A.B.; Pereira, R.C.; Krueger, R.H.; Thompson, C.C. & Thompson, F.L., 2015.

BaMBa: towards the integrated management of Brazilian marine environmental data.

DATABASE-Oxford, 2015 art id bav088. DOI: 10.1093/database/bav088


Fernando, S.C., Wang, J., Sparling, K., Garcia, G., Francini-Filho, R.B., Moura, R.L., Paranhos, R., Thompsom, F.L. & Thompson, J.R., 2015.

Microbiota of the major South Atlantic reef building coral Mussismilia.

Microbial Ecology 69:267-280. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-014-0474-6.


Lange, P.K., Tenenbaum, D.R., Tavano, V.M., Paranhos, R. & Campos, L.S., 2015.

Shifts in microphytoplankton species and cell size at Admiralty Bay, Antartica.

Antartic Science, DOI: 10.1017/S0954102014000571.


Silveira CB, LIma, A.W.S., Francini-Filho, R., Marques, J.S.M., Almeida, M.G., Thompson, C C, Rezende, C E, Paranhos, R., Moura, R L, Salomon PS, Thompson, F.L., 2015.

Microbial and sponge loops modify fish production in phase-shifting coral reefs

Environmental Microbiology, 17(10): 3832–3846. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12851


Lanna, E., Paranhos, R., Paiva, P,C, & Klautau, M., 2015.

Environmental effects on the reproduction and fecundity of the introduced calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Marine Ecology, 36:1075-1087. DOI: 10.1111/maec.12202.


Suzuki, M.S., Rezende, C.E., Paranhos, R. & Falcão, A.P, 2015.

Spatial distribution (vertical and horizontal) and partitioning of dissolved and particulate nutrients (C, N and P) in the Campos Basin, Southern Brazil.

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 166:4-12.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.12.031 


Pessoa, L.A., Echeverria, C.A., Paranhos, R., Neves, R.A.F. & Paiva, P.C., (in press).

Spatio-temporal patterns of recent macrofaunal Cyprideis (Ostracoda, Crustacea) in an eutrophic estuarine system (Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

Brazilian Journal of Oceanography (Online).


Wanick, R.C.; Vieira, R.P.; Santelli, R.E.; Paranhos, R. & Coutinho, C.C., (in press).

Screening for cultivable species of marine sponges (Porifera) in an ecologically inspired ex-situ system.

Fisheries Sciences.

ANO DE 2014


Rodrigues, S.V., Marinho, M.M., Cubas, C.J., Gonçalves, E.S., Brandt, V.F., Paranhos, R., Curbelo, M.P. & Falcão, A.P., 2014.

Phytoplankton community structure in shelf and oceanic Waters off southwest Brazil (20° - 25°S), as determined by pigment signatures.

Deep-Sea Reasearch I, 88:47-62.


La Ferla, R., Maimone, G., Caruso, G., Azzaro, F., Azzaro, M., Decembrini, F., Cosenza, A., Leonardi, M. & Paranhos, R., 2014.

Are prokaryotic cell shape and size suitable to ecosystem characterization?

Hydrobiologia, 276(1):60-85.


Moreira, A.P.B., Tonon, L.A.C., Pereira, C.V.P., Alves Jr., N., Amado, G.A., Francini, R.B., Paranhos, R. & Thompson, F.L., 2014.

Culturable heterotrophic bacteria associated with healthy and blached scleractinian Madracis decatis and the fireworm Hermodice carunculata from the remote St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago, Brazil.

Current Microbiology 68:38-46.

ANO DE 2013


Cavalcanti, G.; Gregoracci, G.B.; Moura, R.L.; Amado-Filho, G.; Bastos, A.C.; Francini-Filho, R.B.; Ferreira, C.M.; Paranhos, R.; Ghisolfi, R.; Kruger, R.H.; Guth, A.Z.; Sumida, P.; Maia Neto, O.S.; Santos, E.; Bruce, T.; Rezende, C.E.; Iida, T.; Thompson, F.L., 2013.

Sinkholes-like structures as bioproductivity hotspots in the Abrolhos Bank.

Continental Shelf Research, 70:126-134.


Neves, R.A.F.; Echeverria, C.A.; Pessoa, L.A.; Paiva, P.C.; Paranhos, R. & Valentin, J.L., 2013.

Factors influencing spatial patterns of molluscs in a eutrophic tropical bay.

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdon 93(3): 577-589.

ANO DE 2012


La Ferla R, Maimone G, Azarro M, Conversano F, Brunet C, Cabral AS & Paranhos R. 2012.

Vertical distribution of the prokaryotic cell size in the Mediterranean Sea.

Helgoland Marine Research, 66:635-650.


Omena, E.P.; Lavrado, H.P.; Paranhos, R; Silva, T.A., 2012.

Spatial distribution of sandy beach polychaeta along an estuarine and morphodynamic gradient in a eutrophic tropical bay.

Marine Pollution Bulletin 64:1861-1873.


Gonzalez AM, Vieira RP, Cardoso, AM, Clementino MM, Albano RM, Mendonça-Hagler LC, Martins OB & Paranhos, R., 2012.

Diversity of bacterial communities related to the nitrogen cycle in a coastal tropical bay.

Molecular Biology Reports,39(4):3401-3407.


Gregoracci GB, Nascimento JR, Cabral AS, Paranhos R, Valentin JL, Thompson CC & Thompson FL, 2012.

Structuring of bacterioplankton diversity in a large tropical Bay.

PLoS ONE 7(2):e31408.


Bruce T, Meirelles PM, Garcia G, Paranhos R, Rezende CE, Moura RL,Francini Filho R, Coni EOC, Vasconcelos AT, Amado Filho G, Hatay M, Schmieder R, Edwards R, Dinsdale E & Thompson FL, 2012.

Abrolhos bank reef health evaluated by means of water quality, microbial diversity, benthic cover and fish biomass data.

Plos One 7(6): e36687. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036687

ANO DE 2011


Cardoso AM, Vieira RP, Paranhos R, Clementino MM, Albano RM, Martins OB, 2011.

Hunting for extremophiles in Rio de Janeiro.

Front. Microbio 2:(100):1-3 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2011.00100.


Belo CLA, Paranhos R, 2011

O Uso da água como tema gerador em uma atividade pedagógica de conscientização ambiental.

Experiências em Ensino de Ciências 6(1): 7-20.


Thompson FL, Bruce T, Gonzalez A, Cardoso A, Clementino M, Costagliola M, Hozbor C, Otero E, Piccini C, Peressutti S, Schmieder R, Edwards R, Smith M, Takiyama LR, Vieira R, Paranhos R, Artigas LF, 2011.

Coastal bacterioplankton community diversity along a latitudinal gradient in Latin America by means of V6 tag pyrosequencing..

Arch Microbiol.193: 105-114 DOI 10.1007/s00203-010-0644-y.


Silveira CB, Vieira RP, Cardoso AM, Paranhos R, Albano RM, Martins, OB, 2011.

Influence of Salinity on Bacterioplankton Communities from the Brazilian Rain Forest to the Coastal Atlantic Ocean.

PLoS ONE 6(3): e17789. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017789.

ANO DE 2010


Gonzalez AM, Paranhos R, Lutterbach MS, 2010.

Relationships between fecal indicators and pathogenic microorganisms in a tropical lagoon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 164:207-219.


Dias C, Araújo AV, Paranhos R and Bonecker SLC, 2010.

Vertical copepod assemblages (0-2300 m) off southern Brazil.

Zoological Studies 49(2):230-242.


Alves Jr N, Neto OSM, Silva BSO, Moura RL, Francini-Filho RB, Castro CB, Paranhos R, Bitner-Mathé BC, Kruger RH, Vicente ACP, Thompson CC, Thompson FL, 2010.

Diversity and pathogenic potential of vibrios isolated from Abrolhos Bank corals.

Environmental Microbiology Letters 2(1): 90-95.


Roland F, Lobão LM, Vidah LO, Jeppesen E, Paranhos R, Huszar VLM, 2010.

Relationships between pelagic bacteria and phytoplankton abundances in contrasting tropical freshwaters.

Aquatic Microbial Ecology 60:261-272.


Carvalho KDC and Paranhos R, 2010

Análise de abundância bacteriana no estudo da ecologia microbiana de sedimentos marinhos.

Oecologia Brasiliensis 14(2):415-436.


Gomes NCM, Flocco CG, Costa R, Junca H, Vilchez R, Pieper DH, Krogerrecklenfort E, Paranhos R, Mendonça-Hagler8 LCS, Smalla K, 2010.

Mangrove microniches determine the structuraland functional diversityof enriched petroleum hydrocarbon-degrading consortia.

FEMS Microbiology Ecology74:276-290.


Turque AS, Batista D, Silveira CB, Cardoso AM, Vieira RP, Moraes FC, Clementino MM, Albano RM, Paranhos R, Martins OB, Muricy G, 2010.

Environmental Shaping of Sponge Associated Archaeal Communities.

PLoS ONE 5(12): e15774 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0015774.

Em todo o espaço há energia... é (só) uma questão de tempo até que os homens tenham êxito em associar seus mecanismos ao aproveitamento desta energia.